Music Paper 2 (Essay) WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 3


Write short notes on any five of the following musical forms:

(a) Cantata;

(b) Opera;

(c) Oratorio;

(d) Passion;

(e) Mass

(f) Aria;

(g) Chant.




This question was popular among the candidates and most of these candidates performed above average. They responded to the question thus:

  1. Cantata

 i. It is originally a composition intended to be sug (vocal music)

ii. It is a work for voice or voices with instrumental accompaniment

iii. It is either secular or sacred

iv. It began in the 17th century in Italy

v. It has several movements which include choruses, recitatives, aria and duets

vi. Notable composer of canta include J.S. Bach, G. F Handel, Claudo Montenverdi, Antonio Vivaldi 



i. It is a music that is acted on stage with senery and costumes

ii. It begins with an instrumental’s presentation called overture

iii. It is also featuring instrumental interlude known as intermezzor or sinfonia (intermezzi sintonia)

iv. The text of an opera is known as Liberetto

v. The writer of a liberetto is liberette

vi. It has many sections which includes: recitative, (recitativo) Avia, duet, choruses

vii. (Vocal) as well as overture and intermezzo (Instrumental

viii. It is essentially a secular music

ix. The thermoplot could be war, love, myth legend

x. It is a vocal music accompanied by an orchestra

xi. The roles of Actors and Actresses are given to virtuoso soloist of all  parts.

xii. The Orchestra is usually positioned in the orchestra pit

xiii. Florence started in Italy around 1575 by a group called cammarata

xiv. Notable composers of opera include cladio  monteversdi, Henry Purcell, Anthonio Vivaldi, GEORGE Eredric Handel, Christoph Willibald Glock, Wolfgan, Amadeus Mozart, Perter illich, Tchalkovsky, Richard Wargner, Hector Berlioz, G



i. it is a music that is performed with acting and scenery

ii.  it is a music that is performed with acting and scenery

iii. it features instrumental interlude known as intermezzo or sinfonia   (intermezzi sintonia)

iv. it features instrumental interlude known as intermezzo or sinfonia   (intermezzi sintonia)

v. The writer of a liberetto is liberette

vi. It has many sections which include:recitative (recitativo) Aria, Duet,         Choruses.

vii. Although the text of an oratorio is taken from the Bible at inception, it was not performed in the church but at the city auditorium or Auchitoria

viii. It is a vocal music accompanied by an orchestra

ix. Recitative and Aria in oratorio are assigned to virtuoso

x. The orchestra is positioned on the stage with the singers.

xi. It started with Goerge Fedrick Handel when he was getting bankrupt as      a result of the introduction of opera buffa by younger composers.

xii. Notable composers of oratorio are George Fredrick Handel, Joseph Hydn, Felix Mendelssohn 



i. It is essentially a vocal music

ii. It is a work for voices with instrumental accompanied

iii. It is essentially a sacred music

iv. It began in the 17th century with J.S. Bach

v. It has several movements which include Choruses, recitaves, aria and duets               



i. It is exclusively a vocal music

ii. At inception, the text was essentially latin

iii. It has five major sections namely; Kyre- Elison, Gloria, Credo, Santus and Agnus Dei

iv. At inception, it was originally performed acapella

v. It is essentially a lythwgical music

vi. Notable composer include: Giovanni Perlvgi da Palestrina, Giovanni  Gabrieli, Wotgang Amadious, Mozart. 

vii. It originated from the Latin word ‘missa’.



i. It is a solo song with instruments accompaniment in opera, cantata or oratorio.

ii. It is usually perform to express emotional state through the outpouring of the melody found in opera, cantata and oratorio

iii. It is usually performed by virtuoso solist impart corresponding to depict like character of the work

iv. He later transformed to Dacapo Aria in the Baroque period

v. Avia were written by all composers of opera, cantata and Oratorio 



 i. With regard to western or European music the word chant means Gregorian chant.

ii. The Gregorian chant was the official music of Roman Catholic church throughout the middle ages

iii. It consists of melody set to sacred Latin text

iv. It is performed acapella

v. The performance of Gregorian chant set the atmosphere for prayers and other ritual actions in the Roman Chatolic church

vi. Gregoria chant was named after pope Gregory 1 (The Great)

vii. The melody of the Gregorian chant were derived from church modes or ecclesiastical mode

viii. Gregoriam chant were used in the performance of mass.

ix. It originated from the french word ‘chanter’.