General Mathematics Paper 2, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2020

Candidates' Weakness


      The Chief Examiner observed that the candidates’ showed weaknesses in the following areas:


  1. Inadequate knowledge of construction especially questions involving loci.
  2. Omission of units and failure to give answers in monetary value as required.
  3. Failure to express answers to the required degree of accuracy.
  4. Non adherence to the rubrics of questions.
  5. Poor interpretation of questions and inability to apply mathematical principles correctly.
  6. Poor knowledge of circle geometry theorems.
  7. Poor knowledge of bearing and its application.
  8. Poor knowledge of trigonometry and its application.
  9. Poor knowledge of logical reasoning
  10. Poor knowledge of concepts of probability: inability to differentiate between selecting with replacement and selecting without replacement.
  11. Inability to illustrate questions with required diagram.




The Chief Examiner suggested that to overcome the challenges stated, the following remedies should be considered:


  1. Candidates should endeavor to pay more attention to topics such as Geometric construction, Circle geometry and Logical Reasoning.
  2.  There should be conducive environment and condition for effective learning.
  3. Candidates should be encouraged to read questions carefully and understand their requirements before attempting them.
  4.  Candidates are encouraged to cover the teaching syllabus while preparing for examination so as to enhance performance.
  5. Teachers should rise up to their responsibilities and make learning interactive.


Candidates should be encouraged to use four- figure table so as to enhance accuracy.