Islamic Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 2

Bismillah Raḥmānir Raḥim. “Qul a’udhu birabin-Nās Malikin-Nās….”

  1. Complete the above Sūrah.
  2. Comment on the significance of the Sūrah.

The question was popular among the candidates and most of them who attempted it got it right by writing it in a transliteration form but few of them misunderstood the question by wirting it in Arabic form as against transliteration.To get good mark, candidates were expected to complete the Surah from verse three to six in transliteration form and comments on them thus:

iii.  .... ilāhin-Nās
iv.        min sharil waswāsil khannās
v.         alladh yuwaswisu fī sudurin-Nās
vi.        minal-Jinnati wan-Nās.



  1. The Surah is a command from Allah to mankind to seek His protection against all evils.
  2. It emphasizes the belief that Allah is the Lord of mankind.
  3. The Sūrah, along with Q.113 (Sūratul-Falaq) is referred to as Ma‘ūdhatayn.
  4. They were both revealed to untie the Prophet (S.A.W.) from the knots (bondage) of the wicked.
  5. It should be often recited to seek protection of Allah from all evils.
  6. Only God Who created man can rescue him from the evil of fellow man.
  7. Protection should be sought against the evil of the whisperer
  8. All evil which come from the Jinn and man should be guided against by seeking refuge with Allah.
  9. This should be done regularly through the recitation of this Sūrah at least after every obligatory Ṣalāt.
  10. The Sūrah should also be recited for the same purpose at bed time.
  11. This signifies that one should always be connected with the Creator.
  12. He creates, protects and changes destiny as He wishes.
  13. Man should seek protection against both internal and external forces of evil only from Allah.
  14. Evil spirits become powerless if man reposes confidence in Allah as stated in the Surah.
  15. The Sūrah further unveils the sources of evil to the man and Jinn.
  16. It is an advice to man to be wary of against evil whispering of man and Jinn.
  17. Protection is sought from trials and tribulations that hamper man’s spiritual development.