Geography Paper 3 Aug./Sept. 2021

Question 1


Study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and use it to answer the questions that follow.


(a) In the answer booklet, reduce the map area to one third of its original size and state the scale of the new outline.


(b) On the new outline, mark and name the following:

    (i) Latitude 6o 25”N;

    (ii) Longitude 0o 25”W;

    (iii) The southwestern scarp;

    (iv) The settlement of OSINO.


 (c) Using evidence from the map, state three reasons for which BEGORO is more               important than Obooho.

(d) In what three ways has relief affected transportation in the mapped area.





This compulsory question was answered by virtually all the candidates and their performance was just fair. Some of the candidates knew how to reduce the map and insert the required features. However quite a good proportion of the candidates could not state why BEGORO is more important than Obooho. These same group of candidates could hardly state three ways relief has affected transport network in the mapped area. BEGORO is more important than Obooho because of the following reasons:
-           BEGORO is a built up area (urban) whereas Obohoo is  not
-           BEGORO has several schools (19) whereas Obooho has only one
-           BEGORO has a clinic whereas Obooho do not have any
-           BEGORO is served by classes 1, 2 and 3 roads whereas Obooho is served by only a class 2 road
-           BEGORO has a Court House whereas Obooho do not have any
-           BEGORO has a Police Station whereas Obooho has none
-           BEGORO is the biggest town in the mapped area whereas Obooho is small
-           BEGORO has four churches whereas Obooho has none
-           BEGORO has a hotel whereas Obooho has none
-           BEGORO is larger than Obooho
The ways in which relief has affected transportation in the mapped area are:
-           road network is denser in the lowland areas and less on the highlands
-           most roads are constructed at the foothill of the mountains e.g. south western parts of the mapped area
-           all transportation routes avoid the steep slopes and scarps
-           the transportation routes run below 1,400 feet contours
-           no major roads are found on the scarp
-           the class 1 road in the mapped area avoids the highland and run through passes and foot of the hills
-           only foot paths have developed on ridges
-           the railway line has been constructed in the low-lying areas of south west
-           roads run parallel to the scarp in the mapped area