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Food and Nutrition 2, Nov/Dec.2008  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments

Question 4

(a)(i) What do you understand by the term consumerism?
(ii) Give four guidelines that could help a homemaker shop wisely.

(b)(i) State two reasons why it is important for a consumer to read the labels on canned foods before buying.
(ii) State two reasons for making a shopping list.



Majority of the candidates who attempted this question could not understand the term consumerism as requested for in the (a) part. They took consumerism for consumer education.

In the (aii) part with shopping, many candidates muddled shopping list with shopping wisely and sticked to lists than the plans or avoiding impulse purchase.

The (bi) and (bii) parts which were on reasons for a consumer to read the labels on canned foods before buying and reasons for making a shopping list were well enumerated with many points than what were requested of the candidates.

The answers to the question are:

Definition of Consumerism

(a) (i) Consumerism: is the art of knowing what is expected of the individuals as a user of goods and services. It involves knowing one’s right and responsibilities, how and when to seek for redness as a user of goods and services. (ii) Guidelines for shopping wisely

  • plan the shopping before going out
  • stick to the plan as far as possible
  • Look for good quality goods/food items good value for the money to be spent.
  • Look for competitive prices compare the prices of goods before buying.
  • Buy only the required amount for particular meals unless one has good storage facilities.

(b) (i)Reasons for reading Labels on canned Food:

helps the consumer to know the contents
to know the nutritive value of the food
it gives the consumer an idea about the weight
to check for the expiry date of the item to make good food choices
to get value for money

(ii) Reasons why a shopping list is important

It ensures that one get all the food and other products that
are needed.
; It helps to avoid stress during shopping
It helps to avoid spontaneous buying which adds unnecessarily to the shopping bill.
It helps to save the consumer time
It saves energy

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