Auto body repair & Spray painting Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 4


(a)        List four methods of joining sheet metals in auto body repair shop.


(b)       State any three properties of flux that make it suitable for brazing aluminum panels during auto body repair


(i)        Sketch a wiring hammer and label one of its parts.
(ii)       State one use of wiring hammer in auto body repair.




Candidates performed well in all but 4(b).

The solution of the poorly answered part of the question is given below.


(b)      Important Properties of Flux as Used in Brazing Aluminium Panels
- The flux must be able to remove the oxide coating present on the surface to be joined.
-  The flux must wet the surface to be joined.
-  The flux must flow freely at a desired temperature.
-  It must allow the filler metal spread evenly and continuously.
-  The flux must not attack or react with the parent metal.