Candidates were required to make dovetail tee halving joint. Most candidates were able to make the joints. Dovetail marker or sliding bevel was required to get the correct angle.
Each candidate’s final workpiece was to have: tails (4 pitches, 2 faces, 4 sides and 6 shoulders) and trenches (4 sides, 2 bottoms and fitness of 2 joints).
Candidates were required to make box pin joints. Majority of the candidates answered this part well. The four box pin joints were to have: (Pins (8 sides and 8 shoulders) and notches (8 sides, 4 bottoms and fitness of 4 joints).
Candidates were required to make 2 pinning joints. This was well attempted by the candidates. Each candidate’s final workpiece was to have: 2 round pins, 2 through holes and fitness of 2 joints.
Candidates were required to fit the plywood bottom to the frame. This was well attempted. However, most candidates did not use the right tools. Each candidate’s final workpiece was to have: 2 grooves, well prepared 2 sides of plywood and fitness of 2 joints.
Candidates were required to give attractive shapes to their workpieces. Many of them were unable to cut the shapes accurately. Each candidate’s final workpiece was to have 1 rounding on the handle, 2 roundings on the handle holder and 4 taperings.
Candidates were required to assemble the workpiece correctly and clean it up. Few of them were able to get to this stage and they were able to produce excellent project. Each candidate’s final workpiece must be well dressed, assembled and have good squareness with 3 major dimensions.