Clothing and Textiles Nov/Dec.2011  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments

Question 2

:State one reason why fitting is necessary in garment construction.

State five points to bear in mind when fitting garments.

Describe how to assemble a four-gored skirt with a zipper at the centre back.

List four measurements required for drafting a blouse pattern




The candidates did not answer the question on fitting very well. They associated fitting with cloth fit.The required answers to the question are as follows:Reasons for fitting:

(i) To check positions of design features such as darts, hang of sleeve etc.
(ii) To adjust clothing to fit the figure
(iii) To correct any fault before final stitching

Points to Bear in Mind when fitting Garment:

(i) Wear foundation garments likely to be worn.
(ii) Wear suitable shoes.
(iii) Fit dresses over a slip so that fabric will fall smoothly.
(iv) Put the garment on properly, right side out. Pin up opening.
(v) Get a friend to help with the fitting.
(vi) Fit mainly on the right-hand side of garment.
(vii) Fit mainly at the fitting seams.
(viii) do not fit too tightly.

Assembling a Four Gored Skirt with Zipper at the Back:

Stitch front pieces together.

Stitch back pieces together to the zipper position.

Attach zipper.

Stitch sides of skirt.

Attach waist band.

Turn hem.

(d) Measurement Required for Drafting a Blouse

(i) Bust
(ii) Waist
Blouse length (front and back)
Across back
Across chest
Shoulder to waist
Sleeve length
Around arm

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